As part of our mini series about filing a mechanic's lien, let's talk about your position on a project. Whether you are a General Contractor or a Subcontractor matters for lien rights and important factors like prerequisites, notices, and timing.
A General Contractor may be referred to as a "prime contractor" given first-in-line status, contracting directly with the property owner, hence the word prime. A Subcontractor may be referred to as a "remote contractor" being second in line or greater from the owner, hence the word remote indicating farther.
Keep in mind your position may vary from project to project. On a Monday, you may work on a project where you contracted directly with the property owner. On a Wednesday, you may have been brought onto a different site by another contractor, meaning even if you have your General Contractor's License, you are still - for that particular project - deemed a subcontractor, or remote contractor such that the lien laws pertaining to subcontractors would apply to you then. The nature of construction is your position as GC v. Sub may be fluid. We can help you navigate these things so you can focus on your jobs.
Haven't been paid for work? Questions? Contact Us - You have nothing to lose and all to gain.
Filing a Mechanic's Lien 101 is "to be continued" with more tips coming soon.
